Image Slider – Pro!

Create a responsive slider of images with extensive options to customize the function and presentation of the slider. Comes with choice of Nivo, Flex, Slick and lightweight Responsive sliders.

Flex Slider

Nivo Slider

Many Slider Options

  • The slider can be used anywhere on a page and can also function as the main slider of the page displayed at the top of the page.
  • All slider types support multitude of options but for most users, the default options provided should suffice.
Donec sodales

Phasellus leo dolor tempus

Duis arcu

Nam pretium turpis et

Nullam cursus

Curabitur blandit mollis lacus

Slick Slider – Vertical

Responsive Slider

Flex Slider – Caption Style 2

Slick Slider – Horizontal

Nivo Slider with Thumbnails

Donec sodales

Phasellus leo dolor tempus

Duis arcu

Nam pretium turpis et

Nullam cursus

Curabitur blandit mollis lacus

Flex Slider with Thumbnails